Tonight (March 7, 2017), we got busy and shrink-wrapped all of our soap. We have 88 bars in our inventory, which doesn’t count what we have at the senior center. All that’s left to do is print the labels and wrap each bar.
We’re talking about whether or not we should put an exact weight on each bar, which adds a bit of labor to our endeavor. That means weighing each bar, marking the weight on the bar in an inconspicuous place, then creating a label that states the specific weight for each bar.
It would be easier to calculate an average weight for each kind of soap, then just put “Avg weight x.xx” on the label, so maybe that’s what we’ll start doing with this new batch of labels.
We also discontinued free shipping. I think I finally figured out how to set up a reasonable and appropriate shipping fee, so if anyone places an order, we’ll see if it works.